A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
~Proverbs 17:7

Connection… we all crave it. In fact, that yearning for love and a sense of belonging is one of our basic human needs. When you have a joy or a sorrow to share, what human do you turn to? Who is your person ~ that special someone with whom you can let down all your pretenses and just be you ~ even when you don’t have it all together.
If we are married and our relationship is thriving, most likely our spouse is our person. Friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters in Christ may also be that someone. We may even have several. While our spouse is our primary person, he or she cannot meet all of our emotional needs. Making our spouse responsible to fulfill all our emotional needs is not only a heavy burden, but it also sets our spouse up for failure.
Seasons of life bring change ~ friends and close relatives move away, loved ones die. Sometimes we sense that we are beginning to travel through life in a different direction. When you and your person diverge onto two different paths, it is painful. We need to acknowledge the hurt and grieve the loss of that intimate friendship. After we have processed our grief, we may conclude that sometimes our person was the perfect fit for that particular chapter or season in our lives. This realization can bring clarity and growth.
If you have processed through that season of change or flux with your person, it’s time to open yourself up to new possibilities. You can find your special person again. You can also become that gift to someone else.
Connection ~ it brightens our days, adds color to the canvas of our lives, and sustains us through adversity. Who is your person?