He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities ~ all things were created through Him and for Him. ~Colossians 1:15 – 16
This week our pastor challenged us to say “Wow” once per day. Not the wow we might say when someone disappoints us or the wow we whisper under our breath when a situation falls apart right before our eyes. Instead, the wow we exclaim when we unmistakably see the beauty of God’s creation, or the wow we utter when our Creator takes care of us or those we love in a tender, gracious way.
So… here are just a few wow’s from my week thus far:
- Our almost 15-year-old poodle showed some spunk last night when she invited our other dog to play with her. I think God knew I had a long day and wanted to see me grin.
- I worked out at the gym this morning and even though there were just two people in our class, our trainer gave us all of his energy and attention. When people love their job and love people it shows ~ and our trainer does both.
- The sunrise this morning was spectacular ~ God reminded me to slow down and take a look at His handiwork.
- The temperatures today have been spring-like ~ I noticed my steps felt lighter as I walked outside and it left me feeling joyful.
- I enjoyed a hot cup of green tea. The mug felt warm and comforting in my hands. God is always in the details.
I have been reminded lately of the fragility of life. My husband attended an out-of-state memorial service for his uncle, our dogs tend to snore more these days than they play, and people I talk with are suffering. Yet our God is constant ~ He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He created all things ~ there is nothing that was not made by Him or for Him. Sometimes we get so caught up in the daily schedule and all our tasks that we forget to pause and say wow. What gifts has He brought to your attention this week? What has caused you to reflect and say wow to Him today?