The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden; and like a mirror, they also reflect the person looking into them.
~Paulo Coelho
When was the last time you paused, looked in the mirror, and pondered what you noticed in your eyes? Schedules, to-do lists, and caring for others often take precedence over moments of soul reflection. You notice I did not say self-reflection, but instead soul reflection. While The Bible does not define the term soul, we can come to some conclusions about its meaning from the way the word is used in Scripture. We are told that the soul is the part of every person that is not physical. It is the part of each of us that lasts eternally after our body experiences physical death. Our soul is central to who we are. George MacDonald, a Scottish author and minister, shared: “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” The soul is the part of us that can relate to people and form emotional bonds with them. It involves our mind and our emotions. It is our soul that deeply feels the beauty of a sunset or the tender kindness of a friend.
What is soul care? Why is soul care important? Soul care is simply the time and attention given to healing a wounded soul or the attention given to maintaining an already healthy soul. People with healthy souls form healthy relationships. It is more difficult to form healthy relationships when our soul is wounded. In Christianity, soul care is sometimes centered around finding help to overcome addictions; experiencing peace with God, self, and others; and processing through trauma or difficult seasons of life. We all have emotional wounds that need tending. When left unchecked, our wounds fester and can infect all areas of our lives. Talking with a counselor, meeting with a pastor, or leaning into the wisdom of a mentor are all essential ways of caring for our soul.
So… the next time you pass a mirror, pause and ponder. Check in with your soul ~ are there areas that need your time and attention? Do you need to slow down to nurture and maintain the rhythm of an already healthy soul?