Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
~Psalm 90:12
Purpose. Vision. Passion. Mission. What comes to mind when you hear these words? For me I am reminded that my life can be delineated into seasons.
My 20’s and 30’s were a season of building our marriage, having babies, raising children, and teaching school. My 40’s were filled with launching children, teaching at OSU, changing jobs, and falling more in love with Jesus.
As I look in the rearview mirror of my life, I realize my purpose, vision, passion, and mission were, for the most part, centered on doing. Doing for my marriage, my children, my job, and even in my role as a volunteer. The doing was incredible and infused with much love. Those seasons were beautiful and meaningful, and I would not change those moments.
The 50’s are proving to be a new season ~ an awakening to new possibilities, dreams, goals, and desires ~ yes, even in the midst of a pandemic. Suddenly I realize I have more years behind me than in front of me. There is an urgency, a sense that my doing is being masterfully woven into being. I have my Jesus to thank for that.
So how do we discover our mission ~ the purpose for the Second Act of our lives? We pray and then we stop talking. Instead, we listen for His voice to guide us ~ through His Word, in our relationships with fellow Believers, and in those incredible circumstances or God-Winks He sends our way.
God redeems every season ~ the joyous, painful, lonely, and scary ones ~ and He uses each of them for His purposes and to bring Him glory. For me a season of breast cancer was His instrument. I had never felt the tender sweetness of His mercy, compassion, and love in such all-encompassing waves.
So… look closely at the season you find yourself in. What is His purpose for you? What is your passion, your vision, your mission? You may even discover your purpose in your pain. Number your days accordingly as each season is fleeting and oh so lovely.
If you are journeying through a new season, reach out… to a friend, a family member, a counselor, or a life coach. Together we can move from doing to being.
S. = Savor
E. = Every
A. = Available
S. = Sent
O. = Opportunity
N. = Now
1 Comment
Absolutely love and embrace this beautiful message! Every season has a blessing and a message to offer hope and a new perspective!!
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