Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” ~Matthew 11:28 (NLT)
Illness has a way of gradually creeping into our bodies, minds, and spirits. Sometimes we do not even notice our symptoms lingering in the background as we move through the tasks of a busy day. Then almost out of the blue ~ we are down for the count ~ unable to tackle daily chores or think about all that God has planned for us that day.
We may think we can outsmart illness, and it is definitely important to do all we can to take good care of our bodies. But after the dust settles ~ we’ve been to the doctor, prescriptions are filled, and some hearty chicken noodle soup is on the stove ~ we find ourselves in a space of surrender. A surrender to rest, to rest in Him.
What does resting in Him look like in practical, bite-size steps?
- Address the physical. When our body says sleep, embrace the opportunity to succumb to deep, uninterrupted slumber. Likewise, when our body says, “Hey, it’s time to get up and move” ~ listen and respond. This may just be a few laps around the living room.
- Set healthy boundaries for ourselves emotionally. If there are people or situations in our lives that are stressful, unhealthy, or even toxic ~ limit those conversations or interactions for now.
- Leave the ruminating thoughts outside our door. When we are ill our minds sometimes magnify the “should of’s, would of’s, could of’s.” Rest in Jesus as you remember that you are neither perfect or without limits. It helps to remember this about others too.
- Lean into what we know to be true about our relationship with our Creator, rather than what we feel in the moment. The enemy stands ready to convince us that everything we feel is true. It is helpful to remember that our emotions are fickle ~ our feelings can change moment by moment, hour by hour. Only Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Rest for our soul is a state of surrender. Most humans, myself included, struggle with surrender. We like to be in control and feel that we are able to fix or change events. But when we surrender we have an incredible opportunity ~ an opportunity to pause, reflect, and lean on the One who is always in control.