"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" ~Matthew 6:26-27
Worry. What does it look like for you? Is it that feeling in the pit of your stomach or is it that restlessness at night when your thoughts keep swirling and sleep is elusive? We all worry sometimes. Children, spouses, careers, health concerns, financial strain ~ these concerns can take a toll on our spirits, our bodies, and our minds.
What do we do with the worry? If we are believers, we may feel guilty if we struggle with worry. If we are exploring our faith and remain uncertain about a relationship with Christ, we may cope with our worry with whatever techniques we can find that seem reasonable and research-based. There are some reasonable, research-driven strategies for dealing with worry. However, when we think more deeply about worry we land on an important word ~ Provision.
The biblical definition of the word provision can cause us to stop in our tracks and reexamine our thoughts and feelings. Provision ~ that which is provided or prepared; that which is brought together or arranged in advance; measures taken beforehand; preparation.
Provision was the word that kept coming to my mind this weekend every time I saw a bird outside. And, it seemed as though I saw birds all weekend long ~ whether in my neighbor’s tree, atop our fence, in a parking lot, and yes even in my mind’s eye. Each bird ~ robin, cardinal, bluejay, and mourning dove had one very important thing in common ~ God’s loving provision. Each bird I saw appeared to be well-fed. They hopped about seemingly without a care, simply savoring God’s kindness in providing just the right amount of food at just the right time.
As I considered the birds, my thoughts drifted back to the definition of provision. I sat very still and pondered that God has already moved in advance to provide for my every need ~ at just the right moment. Does this mean my life will be void of problems and concerns? Absolutely not. But it does mean that through my relationship with Jesus Christ I can rest assured that He has prepared all I need to walk through any season, trial, or worry. And… that is the only reasonable, research-based technique that never fails.