Find rest, O my soul in God alone; my hope comes from Him.
~ Psalm 62:5
We long for things to “get back to normal.” Travel plans, holiday celebrations, family reunions, shopping, dining out…. The past year has been one filled with uncertainty. We watch and wait for good news. We hope that the next headline will bring us peace.
Yet, even before the pandemic of 2020 our souls yearned for something different. Perhaps it was the healing of a strained relationship, a return of financial stability, the restoration of health, freedom from addiction, or a closer walk with God.
Hope… where is it? How do we grab hold of it, when at times, Hope seems elusive ~ just out of our reach. As a counselor and life coach, I can offer strategies and tips for achieving a more peaceful mind. I can walk alongside you, providing guidance and support. However, ultimately we discover peace when we place our Hope not in circumstances, family members, stock markets, or counselors. We find peace when we place our Hope in our Creator. What does this look like?
Hope is born.
We cry out in despair with gut-wrenching honesty to our God. We hold nothing back ~ we complain, we weep, we vent, we question, we beg for mercy.
Hope learns to walk.
We open His Word ~ tentatively at first, and as time passes, we read with a hunger ~ a desire. We spend time in His love letter to us ~ not to discern answers but instead to know God’s character. A great starting point in our reading can be the Psalms or the Book of John.
Hope grows as we learn to run.
Our questions move from Why? to What? What can I learn in this season? What are you teaching me, Lord? What would honor you most in this chapter of my life?
Hope matures as we begin to surrender.
We lay down our plans, our desires, our vision for the future. Instead, we open our hands and receive His plans, His desires, His vision for the days ahead.
Our Hope is certain; our Hope is constant; our Hope is unchanging. Our Hope is in our God.
H. = Holding
O. = On With
P. = Positive
E. = Expectation