"He remembers His covenant forever, the promise He made, for a thousand generations..." (New International Version)
Dreams. We all have them. When we are young, our dreams may seem big and bold. The sky is the limit ~ we believe there is nothing we cannot achieve. As we age, we sometimes let our dreams grow small ~ until we reach a place where sometimes we simply stop dreaming.
As a counselor and a coach, I believe dreams are not only important ~ they are necessary. As a Christian, I believe our dreams should align with God’s plan for our lives, and the pursuit of our dreams should bring Him glory and point others to Him.
How do we go about reigniting the passion and the purpose in our dreams? First, we must be still and quiet all the busyness and distractions in our daily lives. Next, we need to focus on the strengths and gifts God has infused into our DNA ~ who did He create you to be? How did He design you ~ your temperament, your passions, your innate talents? What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Why are you smiling at the end of the day when your head hits the pillow?
The beautiful thing about dreams is there is no measuring stick making my dream “better” or more “important” than yours, or vice versa. Your dream may be to create a beautiful flower arrangement or to design a nutritious vegetable garden. Perhaps your dream is to begin a dedicated exercise routine, spend more time with your grandchildren, or start a new Bible Study at your church. The point is… never stop dreaming. When we stop dreaming, we are in danger of no longer engaging with life. I don’t know about you but when God calls me Home, I want to know deep in my bones that I used every ounce of potential He gave me, and I never stopped dreaming.
We recently moved to the country to a smaller home with acreage. Both my husband and I have been dreaming about this property ~ and how we can leverage it for God’s glory and to point others to Jesus Christ. We have a name for this dream, thanks to the previous owners. Covenant Cottage Ministries. We are not sure yet where this dream is leading us and that is the point. Dreams are all about passion and trust. We will do what we can do, and God will do what only He can do. Never stop dreaming!