A gathering of angels appeared above my head, they sang to me this song of hope and this is what they said: “Come sail away, Come sail away, Come sail away with me.” ~Come Sail Away with Me by Styx
Unplugging, Taking a Breath, Reflecting, Dreaming. Our lives get so busy sometimes that we forget to simply be. Instead, doing becomes our anthem and we drag our hearts along behind our ever moving bodies. This week my husband and I intentionally unplugged, stepping away from schedules, chores, and the fast-paced tempo of daily life. Mornings have been my favorite time. My time with the LORD has been quiet, reflective, and uninterrupted. My time with my husband has been punctuated with long walks, listening and really hearing one another, and laughing.
One day in the late afternoon we decided to go on a dolphin cruise. The website promised numerous dolphin sightings and the promise rang true. There was a large family on board with us ~ grandparents, parents, and young children. The Atlantic Ocean stretched for miles and the sky was a deep blue. We encountered a pod of young dolphins playing, and the laughter and excitement of the young children next to us was contagious. Their parents loved hearing their children’s excitement and encouraged them “to keep their eyes peeled” for more dolphins. I couldn’t help but think that God must be smiling as He watched all of us enjoying His creation. He also encourages us “to keep our eyes peeled” for His goodness, His love, and His beauty. He whispers to us to come sail away with Him. We do not need to pack up and head out to a vacation destination to find Him. We can sail away with Him in the quiet of the morning, the smile of a stranger, the embrace of a loved one. But, we must choose to get in the boat.